
Recently, a hurricane devastated parts of Florida. Most of us know someone who was affected by it. What they once had and enjoyed, is today only a memory.

Sadly, even a memory can be taken away from us by old age, accidents, and more. The good news is, there's a way to overcome those problems too! Pictures, video's and music all have a magical way of bringing back long lost memories. Even those afflicted with Alzheimer have found that looking at pictures and listening to older music can return them to happy long ago times.

Who of us hasn't had this kind of conversation at one time or another? "Remember that place we used to go to on vacation that had that (insert memory here) and we would spend hours and hours laughing and playing?" And how many times have you argued with someone, because you or they were sure that a certain place or thing looked a particular way, or was a specific color, but you couldn't agree on it no matter what? If only there were away to see those memories again.

All of the images in this Blog are pictures I took. All of these places and things are now gone! BUT, I can go back and relive some great memories anytime I like by looking at the images I captured. Picture are a great way to put a smile on your face by helping you recall happy times in your past. And they don't even have to be of the exact place you remember. A picture of a seashore, landscape, or other familiar feature helps too.

From now until December 10th, 2022, I will be donating 10% from the sale of my prints to Boston Medical Center's Cardiology Department. Please help me help others by going to my website at and ordering prints for yourself, or as a gift for someone else you love. Christmas will be here soon, DON'T wait!!!